Friday, May 24, 2013

Funny Video ~ Must See!

First watch this "funny" video

Then be HERE tomorrow, Saturday, May 25!

Great Expectations

Yesterday I asked some of my Facebook friends to complete this sentence:

"What I'm hoping that the March Against Monsanto will accomplish is..."

Here were some replies:

Roger: "What I'm hoping that the March Against Monsanto will accomplish is an awakening of the people of what they, their children and pets are eating."

Kim: "show people that The People are tired of corporations buying politicians, Supreme Court Justices, government entities. We're AWAKE, AWARE and not going to stand for it any more."

Bennette: "to bring awareness to the destructiveness of Monsanto's bedlam of so called safe Scientific Technology, their monopolization of our Governmental entities and seed supplies worldwide."

Diana: "raise public awareness, about the health risk with the GMO foods being grown and sold to consumers."

Bonnie: "at LEAST labeling healthy food for my family."

Louise: "To STOP the big corporations from taking away our basic rights - to fresh food - NO ONE or Corp has the right to brand a seed as their own and limit us to what we can eat and what we can't eat... they want full control.. I SAY NO !!!"

Kansas Conni: Increased awareness that includes the revolving door between big companies like Monsanto and congressional representatives and why regulation is not a bad word.

Dylan: "for people to realize that it is critical for us to begin to sustain and liberate each other."

Marcy: "to bring awareness to the food crisis, so that we may band together to defeat Monsanto.

Here's a video of Kansas City people explaining in their own words why the March Against Monsanto TOMORROW, May 25, in hundreds of cities all over the world, is important to them:

My own reasons mirror all of the above.  I also demand that Monsanto executives and stockholders be barred from holding decision making positions within the USDA, FDA, EPA, or any government agency that regulates the products that this company manufactures.

Also, I'd like strict labeling laws. No Frankenfood for me.

(This picture is not as farfetched as it looks: all of the food mutations pictured above have either been experimented with or are being experimented with.  Scary...)

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Three Cinco de Mayos

Cinco de Mayo 2011

Cinco de Mayo 2012

Cinco de Mayo 2013

Coming May, 2014: Four Cinco de Mayos

Monday, April 29, 2013

Our New Book ~ Early Kansas City

There are more pictorial histories of Kansas City than I can count, but Prof. Ulichne and I have added our own contribution to the historical record of this town in the just released book from Arcadia Publishing called, "Images of America: Early Kansas City, Missouri."  We are hoping that even the stoutest Kansas City history buffs will open this book and say (more than once), "I never knew that!"

Another goal in doing this project was to call attention to people and things that have been forgotten or diminished in the official narrative.  In many books about local history, Thomas Bullene is called an early settler and a shopkeeper, if he's mentioned at all.  Theodore Case, if mentioned, is generally referred to as a physician.  These men were so much more than that, and their impact was lasting and should be remembered. There are numerous examples of people such as these that all Kansas Citians should grow up learning about in school, but instead these early leaders have largely been forgotten.

There are also a few pictures and stories of some people whose names grace our roadways.  We see their names every day, but who were they?  And in at least one instance, we're hoping readers will wonder why we continue to honor people whose behavior might not have warranted such a lasting legacy.

I've been told by the publisher that the book is "in the stores" today, but I'm not exactly sure which stores they're referring to yet.  If you're a KC history buff, you can get the book on Amazon, or ask for it at your local library!   Hope you enjoy it :)

P. S.: You can get an even closer look at early Kansas City history by reading the news of the day... from back in the day.

Monday, April 22, 2013

2nd Amendment Solution (Warning: Graphic)

Instead of telling Sandy Hook families to "go to Hell" like one right-wing radio talk show host did last week, worried as he was that their collective grief would cause an impingement on his gun rights, 2nd Amendment activists need to frame the conversation in terms that all human beings can understand. If they were smart, they would leave "left vs right" politics and race-baiting out of the discussion and win hearts and minds the way they always do, by using extreme fear tactics.

After I spent weeks hoping for expanded background checks and limits to the amount of ammunition in a clip, etc., I saw a photograph that made me want to run straight to Bass Pro to buy up any and all automatic firearms and as much ammunition as I could fit in the car (if they have that sort of thing there).  This picture was so terrifying, I forgot all about background checks, wondering if it was legal to buy hand grenades online.  I said to myself, "This is what the 2nd Amendment crowd needs to drive their point home!"

So I'll share it with you here. Instead of being mean and spiteful and driving sensible people away from your cause, gun rights folk merely need to circulate this photograph and the fight will be over.  They could probably get Pfizer (or whoever makes Xanax and Zoloft) to sponsor a billboard campaign using this image and they would never again need to worry about anyone wanting to take their guns away.  You'll have to scroll down for the picture... If you are faint of heart or prone to anxiety or are of a nervous disposition, please turn away and do not look at this photograph.  Professor Joyboy will have some sensible solutions in the coming days about gun issues, but for now, scroll down if you dare...