Monday, November 21, 2011

Thankful for Being Thankful

I notice that a lot of people have been posting everyday on Facebook about things they are thankful for, and while I didn't get in on this particular meme, I don't think its a bad idea.

Last Thanksgiving, after all of the company had left and everyone had gone to bed, I was so overcome with emotion that I spent a few hours going around to the walls of my Facebook friends and telling them that I was thankful for them and why.

Thankful for Anthony Benkovich

When he died unexpectedly last April, I felt as though I'd been dropped into an ocean of boiling water.  I was scalded, and could not be consoled and there was plenty to regret


I didn't have to torture myself for one minute wondering if he knew how I felt about him, or that I was proud of him


for that I am very Thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Donna. W said...

Good point!